First of Its Kind

Breakthrough Intervention Fights Cognitive Decline

NeuroEM® is the first to receive Breakthrough Device status from the FDA to treat Alzheimer’s disease

Half a million Americans
are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s every year.

This devastating illness is among the costliest conditions to society and its prevalence is growing rapidly.

There is no cure
and the limited treatment options are ineffective and difficult for patients.

Five of the eight FDA-approved drugs do not affect the underlying brain changes that cause symptoms. None are right for all patients.

Exercise, mind-stimulating activities, and music- and art-based therapies may help maintain overall quality of life – if patients can comply.

Ongoing research exploring the use of monoclonal antibodies, new drug combinations, and other potential pharma options remain uncertain.

NeuroEM Technology

Using Transcranial ElectroMagnetic Treatment leveraging Radio Frequencies (TEMT-RF), NeuroEM breaks up beta-amyloid and p-tau, the toxic proteins at the root of Alzheimer’s.

Like Post-It Notes and penicillin, NeuroEM originated from a surprise in the lab.

In 2013, Dr. Gary Arendash expected to prove that a group of Alzheimer's mice when exposed to electromagnetic waves would experience an acceleration of the impact of the disease

What he found instead was the exact opposite – prevention and reversal of their cognitive impairments.

Today, we are making significant progress in bringing our first-generation treatment for Alzheimer's to market, while building upon our decade of research at our Tampa-based research facilities at USF.

Clinical Study Conclusions:

  • 87.5% of patients experienced a reversal of cognitive impairments

    as measured by cognitive tests and observable physiological changes.

  • Impact on beta-amyloid and p-tau protein levels demonstrates the therapy is disease-modifying.

    as measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood plasma

  • Rebalanced cytokine levels indicate improved immune regulation.

  • TEMT-RF appears to be disease-modifying against Alzheimer's, is non-invasive, and easily administered in-home.

  • Enhanced brain functionality was measured by Functional MRI (fMRI).